What is BG-Alert?
BG-Alert is Bulgaria's Wireless Public Warning System that alerts the population over the mobile network about expected or ongoing public threats. The system uses cell broadcast technology for sending alerts to millions of mobile devices within a few seconds.
Who are BG-Alert Stakeholders?
BG-Alert was commissioned by the Main Directorate for Civil and Fire Protection. As the system broadcast alerts via the mobile network and other channels, important stakeholders are also the local three mobile operators who provide the 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G radio infrastructure. Various government agencies responsible for specific threat monitoring, regional governors and mayors benefit from the system to keep the local population safe. All stakeholders are included in the highly secured environment with several layers of authentication, authorization and validation to comply with various government regulations related to the system usage.
How was BG-Alert Tested?
In addition to various deployment, integration and commissioning tests, BG-ALERT was also part of a countrywide alert broadcast program. The program was first carried out in each administrative region where a local broadcast was performed. The broadcast program ended with a full load national test. As a technology vendor, Opencode Systems, with a help of a leading market survey agency, decided to organize a countrywide broadcast measurement of the live-alert delivery. Although dozens of such wireless public warning systems have been deployed around the world, such a large scale national measurement was never done before. In fact, cell broadcast technology by design does not provide feedback mechanism that shows who and when received the alert. AS SUCH THIS BECAME THE WORLD’S FIRST COUNTRYWIDE LIVE-ALERT BROADCAST MEASUREMENT!
How did the BG-Alert countrywide test go?
BG-Alert countrywide or national test took place on November 29, 2023 and the market survey agency deployed focus groups in every corner of the country in order to collect maximum alert data. The test was a huge success and the collected data proved to be extremely interesting, providing lots of meaningful insights. It confirmed also what we at Opencode Systems have been advocating for years. Cell broadcast is the most efficient and fast way to alert millions within the span of seconds and keep mission critical communication with populations ongoing in case of natural disasters and other public threats.
This video is showing the process of measuring BG-Alert.

BG-Alert Countrywide Delivery Test Full Report
You can receive the report by clicking on the GET FULL REPORT button above. Inside you will find data about success rates per service provider, device operating system and model, performance per network generation, speed of delivery and many more…
The report also provides access to local media materials illustrating how did the population and media reacted to BG-Alert regional and national tests. Genuine reaction from young and elderly people can also be seen in the video reports below.
Do you have questions and need more information?
Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@opencode.com for more details and information about the full process of deploying a Public Warning System, organizing the implementation project as a whole, as well as communication with the media and the population