Enable Seamless SMS Delivery in 5G Networks
Opencode SMS Function (iSMSF) is a cutting-edge solution designed to enhance the messaging capabilities of MNOs 5G networks. As a standalone node or integrated module of Opencode iSMSC, iSMSF enables seamless SMS delivery in 5G networks while allowing legacy SMSCs to extend their life cycle. It also ensures efficient SMS delivery for the IoT domain.
Challenges of Existing SMSCs in 5G Networks
The rapid deployment of 5G networks has created a demand for MNOs to leverage the capabilities of 5G Network Functions. However, existing SMSCs face challenges in directly connecting with the 5G Core. Investing in a new SMSC solely for integration with a 5G network can be costly and time-consuming. That is where Opencode iSMSF offers an ideal solution by enabling MNOs to incorporate their existing SMSCs within the 5G network environment.
Key Benefits of SMS Function Deployment
Opencode iSMSF facilitates a quick convergence from 2G/3G core components to the 5G Core, allowing MNOs to standardize SMS functionality in 5G networks. Opencode iSMSF also offers flexible integration options, allowing seamless communication with legacy or new SMSCs via MAP or Diameter interfaces. Moreover, the solution efficiently offloads SMS charging from legacy SMSCs to the 5G SMSF Network Function (NF), optimizing resource allocation and enhancing performance.
Network Integration